"Go! Or, rather: Row! Thank you for your efforts." - @TheOceanTree
"Good luck @StatusRow. We are behind you. @shield_pay giving is on the cards!" - @GeoffDunnett
"WOW you have my attention & support you brave ladies. #prevention #plasticpollution #climateaction" - @SharKirkpatrick
"Good luck ladies! My cousin’s husband rowed Atlantic twice (many more attempts!) so I know it’s no picnic. Dig deep! " - @erebusenv
"Starting out my “cut out plastic” campaign. Small steps so purchased a SodaStream today. No more plastic bottles of sparkling water - #reuse #recycle." - @EilsMG
"Nothing is impossible if you have the inclination, passion, determination, support and enough money! Good Luck Ladies" - @Kagsema
"Epic! Amaaaazing inspiration!" - Kat Ford
"Wow, great work ladies. What an inspiration! Off to tell my daughters all about you #rolemodels #rowing #plasticfree" - @vitorinadw
"@StatusRow you are so right it is always easy to find two mins to pick up litter ♥" - @MsGrateful27
"You're representing Women, you're Ambassadors for Women. Good luck in All you do, we Appreciate you" - @GaongalelwePhe1
"Wow Jessica, what an amazing mission you three are undertaking! wish you success & will be praying that you all keep safe!!" - Jose Weatherhead
"So in awe and incredible proud of my niece. Jessica Rego you truly never do anything half way. Your family is with you and behind you 110%. You make us and Bermuda proud. Love you!!" - Jane Simmons
"You've inspired me this week as I'm no longer getting a plastic lid on my flasks in the morning, and I'm trying to get everyone at work to use the metal cutlery instead of the plastic stuff."
"Wow! Caroline Wilson my utterly amazing youngest step daughter - your passion is overwhelming. Every single one of your friends and family will be there with you - on every pull of those oars. Love you to the moon and back X" - Sallie Wilson
"@StatusRow I didn't know you existed until a few minutes ago! You're absolutely amazing #plasticpollution #plasticwaste I will be watching" - @wakeupwellbeing
"You inspired me to get a good reusable drink bottle" - @BridOConnell
"I bought plastic-free cotton buds this week!"
"amazing thing you're doing... Will be watching closely" - @CEVokins
"Wow - what a challenge to take on for this important cause @StatusRow. Please read, share and support if you can everybody. #plastic #rowing" - @ElliottSportPsy
"You've inspired me too! I've been resuing this bottle for about a month!"
"I want to leave this world better than I found it" Awesome women rowing Atlantic for good of our world @StatusRow" - @HopeintheHearts
"Amazing, epic project. Incredibly envious" - @KateDobinson
"Wow! You go! What a fantastic mission. The best of luck to you" - @hennessypriest
"Amazing! we’re 100% behind you @StatusRow" - @BudeCleanerSeas
"We support you Ladies, and the awareness you will bring ...!!!" - @nationsurf
"What an amazing adventure you are taking on and for such a good cause. Impressive." - @demisthedash
"Bloody good luck with ur trip, ur gonna smash it! X" - Amber Harrison
"Your mission is fabulous."
"I really admire what you are doing, it's an incredible challenge, keep up the good work!" - @trashplasticnow
"Anyone wanting to row the Atlantic gets my vote! #gutsanddetermination" - @TrevorDiggers
"Wishing @StatusRow all the best in the @TaliskerRace 2018! Always great to see fearless women taking on the elements for the cause of #Conservation! #Atlantic #oceanrowing #soundslikehardwork" - @SailBritainCP
"Hello you beautiful people..... You have my support 100%. #endsingleuseplastics #citytosea #nataliefee #removeoceanplastic #marineconservation" - @TrevorDiggers
"Good luck @StatusRow we’re behind you!" - @weareinprogress
"Can't wait to follow your escapades! Everyone at @surfsenioritas is rooting for you!" - @surfsenioritas
"You're awesome" - @cmwg_ato
"Your plastic posts have inspired me! I’ve cut our household use down a fair bit!"